Question Answers

Printing process interrupted ink

Check the negative pressure value and adjust it to the appropriate value;
Stop printing and observe the surface of the nozzle. If there is ink, wipe the nozzle with a non-woven fabric after normal ink pressing;
Discharge air from the nozzle, press ink, and wipe the nozzle;
Replace the filter between the secondary ink cartridge and the nozzle.

Ink flying at the edge of homework

There is static electricity on the surface of the medium:
Perform static elimination treatment

Inappropriate nozzle voltage:
Contact technical personnel

New homework printing, color difference too large

ICC is not suitable:
Choose the correct RIP parameters (input ICC, output ICC, pass count, resolution, etc.)

Incorrect printing mode:
Check printing parameters (speed, one-way and two-way, pass count, lighting mode, white ink parameters, etc.)

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